Category: Uncategorized

In an effort to reconnect communities torn apart by Hurricane Katrina, has teamed up with the Finding our Folk Tour. Finding our Folk is a month long tour of cities where survivors have been displaced. The eight stops on the tour will bring survivors together to share and document their stories and to examine how they are adjusting to their new communities. Tour organizer Omo Moses, and his father Bob Moses (civil rights activist, founder of the Algebra Project, and former leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)), publicly announced the tour on Monday, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, in Jackson, MS. Student volunteers will be distributing information about and using laptops to sign people up at Tour stops. The goal is to help survivors connect to their past, present and potentially future neighborhoods (online of course). A separate sign up page and banner for Katrina survivors has been added to the i-neighbors website, if you are interested in spreading the word to survivors, please download a copy of the banner for your site and link directly to the Katrina page.

Facial recognition software is coming to the masses. Imagine a Web search of photographs or video, searching images for a person not necessarily the main subject of a photo but who may have been in the background or unintentionally caught on surveillance or news footage. The implications for privacy are extensive. Jennifer Granick provides a nice overview in Wired of some of the privacy and social implications of this new software being beta tested by Riya.

Teledildonics or (cyberdildonics), the holy grail of the \”just reach out and touch someone\” aspect of the Internet. Well, now you can live out your wildest fantasy online… you can reach out and hug a real live hen over the Internet, just give it a squeeze! See this article in the Guardian on research at Singapore\’s Nanyang Technological University who have developed a wireless \”hug suit\” for chickens. The wireless jacket is equipped with sensors that transmit the hen\’s every movement to a 3D model on your computer screen. With the click of your mouse, you can use the computer interface to pat or hug the chicken with the computer transmitting corresponding vibrations back to the hen\’s suit. How long to the human version?